Monday, July 23, 2012

BEFORE's and AFTER's...

Some "Before & Afters"

It has been a several months-sorry about that!  No excuses except that I was working on a new website..does that count?  Ok, so I have lots of material to talk about...and by the way,  like my page on Facebook at "Verna Vuckovich@ v.v.Design"   I post a design quote and inspirational photo most week days!

How about a couple of BEFORE and AFTERs?  These were done for a client-the same client, but for different spaces. 

BEFORE: with shredding from cats claws
This club chair sits in my client's living room at her was getting ratty from a cat and some sun damage.  Instead of reupholstering it- we decided to slipcover it.  I know slipcovering it is just as much work as reupholstering it, but a more comfortable, casual look was needed.  This chair sits by itself, next to a fireplace.  It needed some pizazz!  And, boy, did it get it!  A nice bright green, graphic fabric was used that is 100% cotton- so very washable.
Definitely AFTER

 The office is her work office where she visits with staff and sometimes has board meetings.  She wanted the space to be welcoming and home-like(it is a mental health center after all!)  The walls are a pretty sage green-upholstery on the office chairs were not changed, the small oval mirror, and wall pieces were inherited with the space.


The AFTER's show some artwork was added-not too pretentious, small pillows on the chairs for counseling or staff, plants, the warm colors in the artwork and the metal pieces add to the decor.  


How would you want your office to look if you could do anything you wanted?

Let me know if you would like me to discuss a specific topic and I will try my best to get it done in a timely manor!