It has been a several months-sorry about that! No excuses except that I was working on a new website..does that count? Ok, so I have lots of material to talk about...and by the way, like my page on Facebook at "Verna Vuckovich@ v.v.Design" I post a design quote and inspirational photo most week days!
How about a couple of BEFORE and AFTERs? These were done for a client-the same client, but for different spaces.
BEFORE: with shredding from cats claws |
Definitely AFTER |
The office is her work office where she visits with staff and sometimes has board meetings. She wanted the space to be welcoming and home-like(it is a mental health center after all!) The walls are a pretty sage green-upholstery on the office chairs were not changed, the small oval mirror, and wall pieces were inherited with the space.