Monday, July 18, 2011

Small Space Suggestions

I decided to share some info I found in an article about how to make a small apartment seem larger than it really is. I know some of my readers live in small spaces or apartments and I think you may find this helpful! Now if you own a small space some of these suggestions may be easier to implement than if you are a renter. These suggestions can even be applied to a small room in your house.

The suggestions came from Apartment Therapy's founder Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan, who lives in a 725 square foot place himself.

His suggestions include: Leaving some empty space in a room so your eyes have room to travel- in other words don't pack it all in! Edit, edit edit... Take doors off of closets or doorways as they take up more space when open, than if you had hung a curtain up instead. Keep your closets organized and well-lit. (I have bought small puck-like LED self-stick lights-battery operated just for this purpose.) He suggests that there be at least 3 points of light to create an illusion of more space and depth. Buy LED rope lighting and use it in a closet, under a wall cabinet, or on top of wall cabinets. Use mirrors to increase light and make it feel larger. Contrast your colors to help your eyes move around the room. Curtains can be floor to ceiling to make your windows seem larger or taller. (Shower curtains can be used the same way.) AND, be sure to keep your windows clean as dirt stops your gaze from moving outside.

The lighting and mirror suggestions are represented above.

Anything helpful there that you can use??? I had to include the last photo as it reminded me of my dorm room days!!! (Only a "few" years ago...)

Remodel update: Okay, this is our 18th year in this house and we talk about a sprinkler system each and every year...I suggested (yes, I know, my fault..LOL) we put in the sprinkler system instead of the new kitchen cabinets. And, my husband agreed, then suggested that we finish some of the smaller items on the to-do list like the surround sound, whole house music system, the rest of the siding, and a new area carpet for the great room. What he didn't know-and it has not been decided- is that I want to replace the back sliding door with a patio door and add windows across that same wall to allow a better view of my garden. We have gotten most of the estimates back...the biggest decision is the windows and back door as it will involve temporarily removing half of the cabinets presently in there, sheetrock work, putting in a new header for support of the windows as the wall is a supporting wall....AND this has to be done before the siding goes up. What I didn't elaborate on was the fact that we would put the cabinets back in place until next remodeling season...could be next May for us. Whew! Lots to think about!

I have included a picture of the wall the way it currently is arranged...What would you do if you were me? Get the windows or leave the wall the way it is?

Interior Design Quote of the week: "Great brands don't chase customers; customers chase great brands". Said by Gary Friedman about Restoration Hardwares revamp, in the Wall Street Journal.

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