Monday, November 14, 2011

"Color is music to your eyes!"

I have always been intrigued by color, and take as many classes as possible regarding color as I can!  When I signed up for the Montana Tile and Stone Summit in Bozeman, MT in September little did I know that I would get to hear one of the most dynamic speakers ever.  His name is Feras Irikat and he is the Design Director of Oceanside Tile and Mandala Tile Companies. 

I was so excited after taking his color theory class, I have just been dying to share some of the information.  This is the  2nd blog covering it all!

Pigment and color are influenced by texture, rough or smooth, honed or polished, etc.  (Think about how a textured wall will have some shadows and the paint appears differently to show the texture.)

When considering a color, it must be looked at in it's intended environment WITH  the light source that will be used.  Remember that there are light fixtures that cast a blue or yellow (cool or warm) light, and these will affect the color used.

No 2 people will react to a color the same way!  We all see it slightly differently.  And, as we age our cornea becomes more yellow so this too affects our perception of color.  Our color perception is affected by conditioning also.  Consider that before WWI, navy blue was considered a feminine color until it was used for Army uniforms.  And pink, since it was a lighter shade of red was used for boys as it denoted power and authority.  Boy, not now!
Think about why you purchase certain items: do you need it, value it, or is it an emotional purchase?  Color can affect the emotional purchase...

Condiser your clothes when deciding on a color palette because whatever colors you look good wearing you will look good sitting in.  Don't buy a yellow sofa if you don't wear it, because you will look sickly!

Remember that there are no bad color choices...meaning if you love a color it will be "in style" or appropriate for your living spaces.  Any color will look good as long as it is your taste.

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