Monday, December 17, 2012

Amaryllis Center Piece

Beautiful centerpiece for a holiday table.
I promised a post about the beautiful amaryllis flower...and after reading how easy it is to grow  them you will want to do your own table scape such as the one shown...let's get started...

First off, the amaryllis or Hippeastrum, can be grown outdoors if the temperature doesn't go below 10 degrees or it can be forced to bloom indoors at the holidays.  Some people prefer to buy new bulbs each year and you can even buy them at Target. (****They are on sale this week there...) Although, the bulbs from our local flower shop have always produced larger and more flowers!

First time out, if your amaryllis comes pre-potted it just needs to be thoroughly watered with lukewarm water after you have bought it.  I water them thoroughly every week with a small amount of fertilizer added each month.  try not to soak the bulb.  Place in a sunny window and wait for the awesome blooms to come!

The second year actually begins after the flower is done blooming.  Continue watering, trimming the bloom stalks about 2" above the bulb after it wilts and trim leaves as they yellow.  When the leaves do not stand up anymore or you are wanting it to bloom for the holidays again, you will need to place the pot and leaves in a cool dark place for about 2 months.  (Mine go into my basement for these 2 months.)  About 8 weeks before the holidays or the end of October I bring them out of the basement.

Re-pot the bulb in clean well-drained potting soil.  Leave top 1/2 to 1/3 of bulb out of the soil-water thoroughly and add fertilizer about once a month again.  They prefer the south facing windows and 79-80 degrees.  Mine have always taken the 2 months to bloom.  This year I had new growth in a day after re-potting!

For more information, search "care of amaryllis".  There are a lot of varieties and beautiful colors.  I have included a photo with several colors   Give it a try and ENJOY!!!

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